One Procedure To Dramatically Change Your Smile
Dental veneers correct the many problems that hurt the quality of a person’s smile. We can use this one cosmetic dental procedure to make significant and lasting improvements to the way you look!
What Are Dental Veneers?
Dental veneers are thin shells that imitate the texture and color of healthy enamel. By covering just the fronts of the teeth, they hide visible flaws and deliver outstanding improvements.
What Can This Treatment Change About My Smile?
Your custom veneers can conceal many cosmetic issues with just one procedure, including:
- Dull tooth color and blemishes
- Chips and cracks
- Poor spacing between teeth
- Problems with misshapen teeth
- Teeth that are too small
- Deep stains that don’t respond to whitening
- An asymmetrical smile
How Long Will It Take To Complete Treatment?
A typical veneers procedure will include a consultation, an appointment for preparatory work, and a final visit to have your veneers set in place.. We can place veneers on multiple teeth in the course of your appointments, leading to a dramatic smile makeover in a short time!
What Are Veneers Made From?
We provide porcelain veneers, composite bonding veneers, and ceramic veneers:
- Porcelain veneers are the thinnest option, which minimizes preparatory work. They can last up to 15 years and closely imitate healthy enamel.
- Composite bonding veneers can be less costly and require less preparatory work. They offer natural changes that can be preserved for a longer period of time while reducing your overall cost for care.
- Ceramic veneers can take longer to place, and they need to be replaced more frequently than porcelain. However, they boast an exceedingly natural look and are remarkably durable.
How Long Will My Veneers Last?
The different materials we offer provide different levels of support. We will provide detailed instructions to help you preserve your veneers for many years after your procedure.
Experience Life-Changing Dentistry
Contact Us To Get Started
Ready to take the first step towards a brilliant smile? We’re here to provide personalized, transformative dentistry. Call our office to schedule your consultation!