What to do when you need an Emergency Dentist

Sometimes we forget how much peril everyday life puts our teeth in. Taking a bite out of a fresh apple, playing pretty much any sport, chewing ice, or just a healthy dose of clumsiness can result in a chipped, broken, knocked out, or loose tooth. Dr. Grantham is a trained emergency dentist and we at Cove […]

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Clear Braces – A New Option for a New Smile!

It’s no secret that regular old braces carry a certain stigma. The brackets, wires, and small, colored bands are clunky and painful, and most people shudder at the thought of having to get them. However, the dentistry of today is very different and Dr. Grantham has options for you, like clear braces, that are less-invasive, nearly […]

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Men’s Teeth – Why they should see a dentist today!

We get it. Oral hygiene is probably not something that you find yourself talking to your buddies about on the weekends. You probably don’t watch YouTube videos of teeth cleanings. That’s why Cove Family Dental in Copperas Cove is here to offer you only the information that you really need to know to keep both your […]

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Having Jaw Pain? The Importance of Teeth Alignment

Why Do My Teeth Need To Be Aligned? The only reason people get braces is to improve their smile, right? Wrong! Occlusion, or the alignment of your teeth, is a crucial factor in the health and functionality of your entire mouth. It may not seem like anything more than a cosmetic issue, but malocclusion (misaligned […]

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